Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Secret of Baby's Lips

Ohayou Gozaimasu!

bagaimana weekend kalian kemarin? kalau saya sih menyenangkan sekali. saya membereskan alat-alat make up saya, terutama yang baru. coba-coba. hihi seneng deh rasanya. kalian ngapain saja?

hari ini saya mau membahas salah satu senjata kecantikan ciwik-ciwik yang harusnya sih gak boleh ditinggalkan sampai kapapun. karena alat ini bisa buat tampilan kalian tetap merona, tapi gak berlebihan dan tetap melembabkan. apa sihhh? tuh keliatan kan gambarnya. diklik dong "baca selengkapnya" ♥

how was your weekend darling? mine was very good. I cleaned up my make up storage, especially the new one, and I also did some experiment with my new make up tools. :p how about you?

today, I'd like to write down one of the most important beauty weapon for girls, and they shouldn't leave home without this one. because this weapon will give you a little blush on your face, but not too much but still moisturize you. are you guys curious? if so, please click "baca selengkapnya / read more" ♥

yes kelihatan deh dari fotonya. ada yang udah pernah pakai ini? atau jangan-jangan ada yang udah punya banyak? kamu ya? wihh kolektor dong. kalau saya sih, baru kali ini pakai Maybelline Baby Lips ini. hehe jadi berhubung ini percobaan pertama kali, jadi saya bikin reviewnya. boleh kan? boleh dong cyinnn. hehe yuk dimulai..

jadi sekarang kan kebanyakan cewek koleksi lipstik sampe 2 lusin. bener gak? kamu ya salah satunya? haha. tapi kamu tetap punya pelembab bibir gak? kalau gak sih gawat. kasian loh bibir kamu tiap hari kena lipstik mulu. bahan kimia dari lipstik itu lebih berat sis daripada bahan pelembab bibir. yuk coba diistirahatkan satu hari saja, pakai pelembab bibir ini.

yes you can see it from the above picture. are you guys ever use this? or maybe you have many of this? if so, OMG then you are a collector. well me, this is my first time to use Maybelline Baby Lips. since it is my first time, so I decided to make review about this product. can I ? of course I can. hehe

so nowadays many girls have lipstick like 2 dozens. is it you? am I right? are you still using lip balm? it is better if you are still using lip balm. because the chemical ingredient in lipstick is so much more than in lip balm. come on, rest your lips only for 1 day, and use lip balm. 

hari ini sudah sebulan saya coba pakai Maybelline Baby Lips yang edisi Electro Pop ini. hasilnya? saya suka bangetttt. kenapa? karena bikin lembabnya lumayan lama dan warnanya ngejreng banget, jadi gak perlu oles tebel-tebel. oles tipis-tipis aja udh cukup bikin kamu eksis hehe. dan pokoknya yang paling saya sukai ya gak bikin bibir kering. ♥ anett deh pokoknya. hihi

disini sih ditulis kalau bisa melembabkan bibir selama 8 jam. jujur saya belum pernah sampai selama itu, karena udah saya hapus duluan saat waktunya makan siang. hehe. tapi pigmentasi warna cerahnya sih dapat banget, kelihatan natural tapi gak bikin kamu terlihat pucat kok. jadi disaat kamu malas dandan, kamu tetap bisa kok keliatan cantik dengan hanya sekali pulas pakai ini. hihi

it's been a month since I use this product. the result? I really love it. why? because it moisturized my lips for a long time and the color is so pop, so I don't need to use it very thick, I can use it only one polish and it still looks good. the most important thing is, this product is not drying my lips and my pocket. hehe ♥

in the backside of product packaging, it says that it can moisturize your lips for 8 hours. unfortunately I've never use this product for more than 8 hours, because every time I need to lunch, I am going to wipe it out of my lips. but for the color pigmented, yes it is good. I must say it is very good, but you will still looks natural but not looks pale. so when you are too lazy to do your make up, you can use this product and tadaaa.. you look beautiful. hihi

+ very easy to use
+ looks cute
+ moisturize my lips enough
+ cheap

I still not find its minus

harganya untuk produk ini sekitar Rp 29.500 dan kamu bisa beli produk ini dimana aja kamu mau. mau apotik di mall-mall ataupun di online shop juga ada. gampang kok dicari.

the price for its product is around Rp 29.500 or US$ 2.5 and you find this product anywhere from offline to online shop. very easy to find it.

dannn sudah selesai blog post kali ini. terima kasih sudah membaca. boleh komen kalau ada yang mau ditanyakan dan sampai berjumpa di blogpost aku selanjutnya. byeee.

and this is the end of this blog post. thank you for reading and you can comment if you want to and see  you on my another blog post. byeee.

1 comment:

  1. Aku dulu juga pakai baby lips. Tapi bukan dari seri electro pop. Dan emang bagus banget ya bikin lembabnya. Tapi aku kurang suka karena dia terlalu berminyak gitu jadi aku ganti ke merek sebelah deh

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