Friday, August 26, 2016

❀ Kailijumei Flower Jelly Lipstick ❀

Haii, lagi sibuk apa?
Btw, ini hari Jumat loh. Tinggal beberapa jam lagi menuju akhir pekan. Hehe. Sudah ada rencana kalian mau pergi kemana hari ini? Atau rencana kalian hari ini hanya mau lihat post aku yang ini? :p
Yap, aku hari ini mau bahas tentang lipstick yang lagi hitssss banget itu. Ada di twitter, instagram, even tumblr.
Penasaran gak apaan? Bagus banget deh.
Yaitu adalah *jeng jeng jeng* Flower Jelly Lipstick!!
Kaget gak? Penasaran gak? Kalau penasaran cek terus dong sampai akhir reviewnya.

Hai, how are you doing?
Since it’s Friday, and the next hours is weekend, so do you guys already have a plan for tonight? Or your plan may just surf to my blog? :p
Today, I’d like to talk about lipstick, the most famous lipstick right now in the world. You can find their beautiful photos in twitter, instagram or even tumblr.
Are you curious? It is Flower Jelly Lipstick!!
Already know? Still curious? If so, please click and read more until end of this review.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Being a Girl

I know being a girl is never easy, nor woman.
But, it will be easier if you let go the things or someone you aren't in love again. 
It will make you and their life easier.
If you just want to stay with them, don't take many advantages 
since you know they love you that much.
You will never know, someone's feeling over the one you take advantages.
Hope you will know the feeling, once you have children.

And if you aren't that cheap, guess you can just let them go. 
Or at least talk properly, since you are not their family nor their parents.
Hope you will know the feelings, once you become parents.
Somehow someone who really love you, but you don't, 
or you just take the advantages, you need to be careful 
since one day they will realize that you are not that good 
and they can find someone better.
Someone who will appreciate their efforts.
Someone who will talk properly to their partners.
Someone who will never take advantages from their partners.
Someone who will love their partners as much as their partners do.

Maybe we think the worst partner is the one who cheat over and over again.
But I guess, the worst and evil person is the one who take someone's advantages 
cause they know someone's feeling over them.
You know you are so cruel, and as a woman I dare to say that you are an evil.
And if you will marriage. 
Remember, you will also need to marry their family, not only your partners.
And hope you will realize soon and not being a cheap girl anymore.

p.s. : do not ever write down our family name again, you aren't our squads.

Monday, August 15, 2016

VER 88 Foundation, is it Worth The Money???

Hai, apa kabar?
Happy weekend darling.
Pertama, pokoknya aku terima kasih banget sama kalian yang selalu setia baca blog aku, walaupun aku udah 2 bulan vakum. Maaf ya, dan terima kasih bangetttt. Karena kalian, aku niat lagi untuk nge-blog. Hehehe :*

Hari ini aku mau me-review salah satu produk yang kamu kamu kamu pasti penasaran. 
“ada gak ya yang review ini?” 
“emang bener bisa gitu?” 
dan akhirnya kamu nemu post ini juga. Hahaha welcome to my blog sweetheart!
Jadi, kalian cari review foundation VER 88? Iyakan? Jujur aja lagi. That’s why you are here right now. Hahah
Memang kenapa sih? Senapsaran banget ya kamu? Sini yuk aku review, is it worth the money or not?
Pertama-tama, aku kasih liat deh penampakan produknya.

Hai how are you guys.
Happy weekend for you.
First of all, I just really want to say thanks to you all who always read my blog, even though I was absent for 2 months. I’m so sorry and thank you so much!! Because of you all, I am ready to start my blog again. Hehe :*

Today, I just want to share some review of one new product, that you are very curious right now. (guess, that’s why you are here :p) most of you must be think “is there any review for this product?” “is the product that good?”
Well well well, welcome to my blog!! Since you must be very curious of liquid foundation VER 88. Am I right? Of course I am. Hehe
Now, let’s find out is the product worth the money or not?
First of all, let’s see the product presentation..

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Less Than 105 Days More

Haii, I know it’s been a long time to not post something in my blog. Sorry, I’m so sorry.
Because I didn’t have mood and my internet were sucks.

Okay, today I just want to write down my another preparation. It almost done for requirements document for church and catatan sipil. Kind of happy but nervous.

And guess what? Finally my gown is ready. The result? Very very good. Good cutting and everything. Yes I meant everything is good. I really really really love it.

I hope I will be looks so much more beautiful when I wear my wedding dress. 
I wish you too my readers!

See you on my another post. Can’t wait to see you and write something for you again. Love you mmmuacchhh!!