Monday, November 30, 2015

Love Anything

haiii, selamat hari senin.

how was your weekend?
mine had so much fun. I lay down for a full day on Saturday in my home haha. and on Sunday, I met my best best best friends after that I dated with my boyfriend. hihi.

hari ini cuma mau ngepost beberapa gambar yang sangat menarik, dan mempunya makna yang dalam.
sumber gambar: Zen Pencils
enjoyed them!

gimana?? bagus yaa.
 udah itu aja. hehe. see you on my next blog post. LOVE!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

What if you fly? ;)

so, my favorite quote is this one:

I was thinking that I couldn't do it that this those these things. 
but, then I remember I have God, so I start to believe that I can do this. 
Thanks God, now the things that I think I couldn't do, I can do it.

so, start to believe and try! Good luck and God bless!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Review: Furatasse Keratin Serum

haii girls, happy Monday!
hari ini saya akan membuat review salah satu senjata kecantikan saya, cailahhh. kalau kalian apakah ada senjata kecantikan? kalau ada apa? ayo tulis di kolom commentnya. hihi
kalau saya yaitu serum rambut salah satunya. mengapa saya butuh serum rambut? karena hampir setiap hari saya selalu memberikan "style" untuk rambut saya. ya seperti meluruskan. yap, saya hampir setiap hari selalu meluruskan rambut. ya, saya rasa saya tidak bisa hidup tanpa catokan. okay, saya merasa sedih T__T

today I'd like to review one of my beauty weapons. :p do you have your own beauty weapon? if so, please tell me on below comment box. 
for me, one of my beauty weapons is is hair serum. why do I need hair serum? because almost everyday, yes I mean everyday , I always styled my hair. like, I cannot live without hair straightener. okay, now I feel very sad with myself. T__T

kalau kalian selalu mem-styling rambut kalian apa yang akan terjadi? karena aku seringnya catokan, ya rambut aku jadinya sering rusak, kasar, terlihat kering atau bahkan bercabang dan rontok. hufht. sedihnya mau cantik. berhubung saya sudah capek banget lihat rambut saya yang menyedihkan karena sering catokan. *padahal saya sering loh pakai hair serum* :( jadi saya coba online shopping dan menemukan serum rambut yang harganya murah tapi kayaknya oke nih. awalnya sih saya takut nyobanya, secara reviewnya masih dikit banget. semoga review aku ini membantu kalian yang lagi bimbang beli ini apa gak ya. hihi.

what will happen with your hair if you always styling your hair? since I always straighten my hair, so my hair became damaged, coarse, dried, branched and fall. hufht, beauty is not cheap you  know. :p
well, I felt tired with my hair somehow, so I tried to online shopping and I found hair serum which have cheap price and it looks okay. well, as you know since this product is only limit review on the internet, so I was like worry to bought this one earlier. so, I hope this review could help you all.
serum rambut apa sih yang mau saya info kali ini? mari lihat yukk ...
are you guys curios what hair serum did I bought? lets click read more ... 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday's Favorite: ABOUT TIME

hello, happy Friday!

how are you? this is Friday, tomorrow is Saturday yeaay!! hahaha
could you survive this weekend? because, "tanggal tua" X(

today, I'd like to share my favorite movie. can you guess?
let me share the picture:

anyone can guess? yes, "ABOUT TIME"