Thursday, April 14, 2016

Review: Cottage Creme Mains Reparatrice

Ohayo Gozaimasu!

hari ini saya mau mereview salah satu produk wewangian dikulit badan kita, khususnya saya. hehe
kalian sering pakai body lotion? kalau hand cream gimana? sering gak? body lotion dan hand cream itu beda loh sis. hehe
jadi yuk mari saya infokan perbedaannya:

1. Body Lotion adalah pelembab yang mempunyai tingkat kelembaban paling tinggi, teksturnya lebih cair karena mengandung lebih banyak air daripada cream. oleh sebab itu body lotion dapat digunakan untuk seluruh badan.
2. Hand Cream adalah pelembab tangan yang berbentuk creamy dan mempunyai tingkat kelembaban untuk kulit tangan yang kering. teksturnya tidak mengandung banyak air, oleh sebab itu ia lebih kental dan berbentuk creamy. sebenarnya bisa juga digunakan untuk seluruh badan, namun tidak etis saja. seperti, tidak mungkin kita menggunakan hand soap untuk sekujur badan kita.

dan fungsinya sih tetap sama ya gaes. sama-sama memberikan kelembaban, dan menjaga kulit kita dari penuaan dini.

today, I'd like to write down my review for one of product for our body, especially me. hehe
do you guys always using body lotion? how about hand cream? how often you use them? btw, body lotion and hand cream is different sis. hehe
let me tell you the differences:

1. Body Lotion is a moisturizer which has the most highest moist, the texture also more slushy than the cream one, because lotion is contain much more water. that's why you can use body lotion for your entire body.
2. Hand Cream is a hand cream moisturizer and also have good moist for the dry hand. the texture is creamy because it not contain much water. actually you can use this one for your entire body. but, I think this is not that good, since we also won't use hand soap for our entire body.

and the function for both of above things are same. both of them moisturize our skin and protect our skin for our anti aging.

panjang bener bu penjelasannya ... emang apa sih yang mau dibahas?
hahaha, yuk kita bahas ini. gambarnya ada dibawah, dan boleh tolong di click "Baca selengkapnya/Read More"

wow, I think I explained too long. hahaha
let's start to talk about the product, please click "Baca selengkapnya/Read More"

yeayy, yang saya mau review kali ini adalah pelembab tangan. *sorak* :p
kalian pernah dengar brand cottage? pasti sering, kan banyak di C**tu** atau G**d**n.
saya suka banget sama sabun badan mereka (lain kali, bakalan aku review juga), jadi aku akhirnya beli deh hand cream-nya mereka.
mereka sebenernya ngeluarin aroma untuk hand cream ini banyak banget, sebanyak aroma sabun badan mereka. berhubung saya orangnya suka bingung mau yang mana :p, jadi saya cap cip cup belalang kuncup *terusinn...* kepilih deh rasa caramel ini.
dan untungnya baunya enak bangettt. banget banget.

yeayy, today, I'd like to write down about my hand cream *cheers* :p
have you guys ever heard about Cottage brand? in Indonesia, we are so easy to find this brand, because this one is drug store brand.
I do really love their body soap (next time, I'll review about them), since I really love all their fragrance for body soap, so I bought their hand cream.
actually the flavor for hand cream is as much as the flavor of their body soap. but, after such a looooong loooong time, I decided to bought caramel  flavor. and the smells is so goood. pretty good.

seperti yang saya katakan diparagraf sebelumnya, ini beneran wanginya enak bangettt. pake banget. baunya itu seperti perpaduan antara cookies, cream dan karamel. super duper enak. 
teksturnya creamy gitu, jadi gak mudah beleber (bahasa apa tuh??) dan lumayan cukup melembabkan.
yang bikin juara menurut saya sih wanginya  ya, bener-bener bisa bikin mood jadi relax banget. kalau lagi bete, cium hand creamnya aja udah bikin happy. hahha (gampangan banget anaknya)
harganya sekitar Rp 88.000,- memang sih cukup mahal untuk sebuah cream dan kecil pula. tapi enak banget. jadi gak berasa rugi. hehe

as I mentioned before, the fragrance is so refreshing. I love love love and super love with the flavor. this flavor is like combination between, cookies, cream and caramel flavor.
their texture is so creamy and enough for moisturize our hand.
you know, somehow hand cream flavor can boost your mood, like me. ehehhe
the price is Rp 88.0000,- or US$ 8 , yap the price is kind of expensive only for a little hand cream. but again, since the flavor is so goood, I don't mind. hehe

+ kecil, mudah dibawa
+ tekstur creamy, gak mudah tumpah
+ baunya enak banget. JUARA!!

+ small, very travel friendly
+ the texture is creamy
+ the fragrance is soooo good. I love it.

until now, I still don't get their bad thing. hehe

dan, pokoknya ingat ya jangan buat seluruh badan. kenapa? sayang, ntar cepet habis. heheheh
pokoknya hindari kontak dengan mata, jika terjadi ya dibilas, jauhkan dari jangkauan anak-anak, takut dimakan (ntar abis) hehe dan hentikan penggunaan jika anda terkena iritasi.

and do remember that this one is only hand cream, do not use it for your entire body. why? of course, don't be spendthrift! haha
btw, do not use it very close with your eyes, if you did it already, wash your eyes.
do not give it to your children. why? because they will eat it, and it will gone. your precious US$ 8 will gone. hehe
and do not use it if you got irritation after use it.

terima kasih sudah membaca review ini. semoga anda cukup terhibur dan bersedia untuk kembali lagi ke blog ini. hehe
sampai jumpa dipost saya berikutnya. dadaghhhh sister ....
boleh banget loh untuk komen, kalau mau. heheh

thank you for reading this review, I hope you got entertained for a while and will come back to this blog again. very soon. hehe
see you on my another new blog post. dadaghhh sister.
please do comment or anything, if you want to. :p

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