Monday, March 28, 2016

Review: Maybelline Colorshow Eyeliner Deep Black

Haiii, apa kabar? sudah lama ya tak bersua.
sedang apa? btw, saya hari ini mau review eyeliner Maybelline.

hai, it's been a long time. how are you doing guys?
today, I would like to talk about Maybelline eyeliner.

jadi, apa sih barang wajib yang harus kamu pakai terus setiap kamu pergi? minimal ada didalam tas deh. hehe.
kayaknya paling sering dari dulu sih eyeliner ya? dan sekarang sudah berubah ke pensil alis ya??
saya sih dulu kudu wajib pake eyeliner gitu, apalagi kalau kerja dan kuliah. karena ngebantu mata jadi lebih "stand out". nah karena berhubung saya udah lama gak pakai eyeliner, terakhir saya pakai yang bodyshop, abis itu males makai lagi. :p jadi saya kemarin baru beli eyeliner dari Maybelline. kenapa Maybelline? kenapa ya? karena saya suka aja pakai merek itu dari dulu, gak berat dan murah pula hehe.

so, please let me know, what is the primary make up you need to wear everyday? at least, you have it in your make up bag.
I heard most likely is eyeliner. isn't it? or is it eyebrow now?? if eyebrow, sorry, today I will not talk about it. hehe
when I was in college, the primary make up I have to use everyday is eyeliner, because it helps to make my eyes look stand out. when I got to work like today, I'm not use eyeliner again. hehe the latest eyeliner I bought is from Bodyshop. btw, last month, I just bought eyeliner from Maybelline.
why Maybelline? I think because this is my most favorite brand, not heavy and cheap. :D

nah, mari kita mulai reviewnya dari foto produknya.
let's start my review with the photos of the product :

itu dia gambar-gambarnya. maap cuma dikit, susah bu difotonya, gelinding mulu. hihi.
pertama kali saya pakai buat ke kantor, dan oke sih gampang dipakai, tapi gak lama kemudian dia cepet banget smudge. huhu. saya sedih. mata saya jadi mata panda gitu tiba-tiba, padahal saya gak gosok-gosok mata. FYI, kulit muka saya normal cenderung kering loh. eteb gak sih? banget.
saya pikir karena saya berminyak kali. okelah saya coba besoknya lagi. tapi tetep aja. ih KZL deh eike cyinnn.
jadi sekarang eike pensiunin deh itu eyeliner, untung murah. *gak mau rugi* so sorry this is not recommendable.

that's are the picture. I'm so sorry that I only took 2 photos. because it was kind of hard to took that photo.
first time, I use it to went to office. it is easier to use because it shape is pencil. but, an hour later, it smudge so easily. I was so sad. I don't want to have panda's eyes effect on my face.
well, I didn't know why it smudge so easily, I didn't rub my eyes tho, and I don't have oily skin type.
so, now I'm no longer use that eyeliner. thank God, it was cheap. :p.
but, I'm so sorry that this eyeliner pencil is not recommendable.

mau tetep tau harganya? ini Rp 33.000,- kalau gak salah. yah walaupun saya agak kecewa, tapi tetep ada sih PLUSnya. berikut ya ...

the price is around Rp 33.000,- or US$ 3
I am so disappointed with that eyeliner. but, yes they are still have PLUS value. below pleasee...

+ murah. hihi X) (cheap)
+ gampang dipakai (easy to use)
+ gak akan bleber (apa itu bleber??) kemana-mana karena dia bentukannya pensil gitu.

- smudge so easily

minusnya cuma satu sih tapi parah bikin cranky. I don't want to have panda's eyes effect on the bottom of my beautiful eyes. huhu.

well as you read above, yap the bad thing is only one, but it made me so cranky. huhu

udah ya segitu dulu, besok besok kita review yang lain. thank you for reading this. :* :*
kalau ada yang mau ditanya-tanya komen aja ya.

this is the end of my blog post, later we will review other tools. thank you for reading this.
if you have any question, do not hesitate to give me a comment. 

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