Haii, lagi sibuk apa?
Btw, ini hari Jumat loh. Tinggal beberapa jam lagi menuju
akhir pekan. Hehe. Sudah ada rencana kalian mau pergi kemana hari ini? Atau rencana
kalian hari ini hanya mau lihat post aku yang ini? :p
Yap, aku hari ini mau bahas tentang lipstick yang lagi
hitssss banget itu. Ada di twitter, instagram, even tumblr.
Penasaran gak apaan? Bagus banget deh.
Yaitu adalah *jeng jeng jeng* Flower Jelly Lipstick!!
Kaget gak? Penasaran gak? Kalau penasaran cek terus dong
sampai akhir reviewnya.
Hai, how are you doing?
Since it’s Friday, and the next hours is weekend, so do
you guys already have a plan for tonight? Or your plan may just surf to my
blog? :p
Today, I’d like to talk about lipstick, the most famous
lipstick right now in the world. You can find their beautiful photos in
twitter, instagram or even tumblr.
Are you curious? It is Flower Jelly Lipstick!!
Already know? Still curious? If so, please click and read
more until end of this review.