Friday, April 29, 2016

Review: Vienna Purifying Black Mud Masker

how are you all?

hari ini saya mau review salah satu produk perawatan kulit yang amat sangat penting untuk keremajaan kulit kita. (cailahhh...) 
yaitu masker. kamu sering gak pakai masker? jarang? wahhh gawat.. sering? wahh rajin banget. hebat tuh kamu. kalau aku sih sekarang lagi rajin-rajinya 2-3x seminggu. kemarin-kemarin mah jangan harap. hahahah

today, I'd like to write down my review about one of the most important skin care. which is face mask. how often are you wear face mask? very rare? or often enough? it's is better if you are often to wear face mask. you asking me? I always wear face mask twice or more in one week.

kenapa saya rajin banget pakai masker?
karena masker itu banyak banget kegunaannya. yaituuuuu (jeng jeng jeng *biar dramatis*)
yang pertama adalahhhhh agar muka kita lembut. ya gak ya gak? ya dong cyinnn..
yang kedua agar muka kita kencang. *menolak tua* hahah
yang ketiga mencerahkan muka
yang keempat, menghilangkan minyak berlebih dimuka
yang kelima, ya bonusnya bisa hilangin jerawat atau malah bekas jerawat terkadang
dan lain lain yang masih banyak banget.
nah, kali ini yang saya mau bahas adalah masker hitam dari Vienna. ihh serem ya dari namanya aja "hitam" tapi hasilnya gak seram kok sis.
mari mari dibaca sampai habis ya review saya. hihi.

why do I need to wear face mask everyday?
because face mask have many many many functions, which are.....
it makes our face smoother like a baby's butt, and it makes our face very very tight, it also brighten our face, it does reduce the oil in our face, and it also can reduce our pimples, and etc..
and this time, I'd like to write down about black mud face mask from Vienna.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Postponed For Good

happy Monday!
how are you all?

last Friday I was so sad about something.
but now...

I am very happy
even our wedding got postponed because of internal issue
but, we do believe that is because for good
like better preparation or better future life

I do believe in God
that He works in a mysterious way
and He knows what is best for us

and thank God, the church also happy with our postponed wedding
because the date that we want is still available

I am so happy
very happy

have a good good weekday my lovely readers.
thank you for reading my random thoughts.
see you on my another post ♥

Friday, April 22, 2016

Now But Not For The Rest

currently I feel sad.
very sad.
I do.
I really do.

I know everything happens for a reason
I hope there is a good reason behind these all.
God will help me, as long as I try.
thank you God!  

cheers you all babe!
happy weekend. ♥

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Review: Cottage Creme Mains Reparatrice

Ohayo Gozaimasu!

hari ini saya mau mereview salah satu produk wewangian dikulit badan kita, khususnya saya. hehe
kalian sering pakai body lotion? kalau hand cream gimana? sering gak? body lotion dan hand cream itu beda loh sis. hehe
jadi yuk mari saya infokan perbedaannya:

1. Body Lotion adalah pelembab yang mempunyai tingkat kelembaban paling tinggi, teksturnya lebih cair karena mengandung lebih banyak air daripada cream. oleh sebab itu body lotion dapat digunakan untuk seluruh badan.
2. Hand Cream adalah pelembab tangan yang berbentuk creamy dan mempunyai tingkat kelembaban untuk kulit tangan yang kering. teksturnya tidak mengandung banyak air, oleh sebab itu ia lebih kental dan berbentuk creamy. sebenarnya bisa juga digunakan untuk seluruh badan, namun tidak etis saja. seperti, tidak mungkin kita menggunakan hand soap untuk sekujur badan kita.

dan fungsinya sih tetap sama ya gaes. sama-sama memberikan kelembaban, dan menjaga kulit kita dari penuaan dini.

today, I'd like to write down my review for one of product for our body, especially me. hehe
do you guys always using body lotion? how about hand cream? how often you use them? btw, body lotion and hand cream is different sis. hehe
let me tell you the differences:

1. Body Lotion is a moisturizer which has the most highest moist, the texture also more slushy than the cream one, because lotion is contain much more water. that's why you can use body lotion for your entire body.
2. Hand Cream is a hand cream moisturizer and also have good moist for the dry hand. the texture is creamy because it not contain much water. actually you can use this one for your entire body. but, I think this is not that good, since we also won't use hand soap for our entire body.

and the function for both of above things are same. both of them moisturize our skin and protect our skin for our anti aging.

panjang bener bu penjelasannya ... emang apa sih yang mau dibahas?
hahaha, yuk kita bahas ini. gambarnya ada dibawah, dan boleh tolong di click "Baca selengkapnya/Read More"

wow, I think I explained too long. hahaha
let's start to talk about the product, please click "Baca selengkapnya/Read More"

Friday, April 8, 2016

Review: Glazelle de Pucelle Hair Fragrance

Dari judulnya saja, apakah ada yang sudah pernah mendengar produk ini? produk ini produk lokal loh. dan bisa saja jadi salah satu alat wajib ditas anda, khususnya saat rambut lagi gak enak banget dirasa-rasa.
apa sih yang mau saya bahas hari ini??
ada kan gambarnya? terus coba tolong di click more .. heheh

From the above title, have you heard about this product? this product is made in Indonesia. and this product may can be one of your secret beauty, especially when you have a bad hair day.
are you curious what product that I will review today??
there is a pic. please click more .. :p

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Maaf Tidak Bisa, Nanti dan Malas

Sorry I can't, Later, I Won't (lazy)

hai, misal kalian meminta tolong seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu, menurut kalian dari judul diatas, mana yang paling enak didengar?
kalau menurut aku sih "Nanti yaaa..." dan "Maaf Tidak Bisa"

hai, imagine if you asking someone's help, and which above answers you wish to hear?
for me it is better "Later .." and "Sorry, I can't"

so, dari saya lahir, saya telah dididik oleh Bapak saya untuk disiplin dan sopan. yes untuk hal apapun. mulai dari yang ringan seperti makan tidak boleh mengecap, tidak boleh mengendus bau makanan didepan orang lain, selalu menghargai waktu dan tidak boleh bilang tidak bisa dan malas saat belum mencoba sekalipun.
oleh sebab itu hingga sekarang, saya akan sangat tidak suka kepada orang yang tidak disiplin dan sopan. minimal orang lain harus menghargai waktu, oleh sebab itu saya tidak pernah telat. kalau saya telat, atau membuat orang lain menunggu lama, saya pasti akan sangat kesal pada diri saya sendiri. that's why I hate to wait for someone, khususnya pada saat jam janjian yang sudah diinfokan pada sebelum-sebelumnya.

since I was a child, I was raised to be discipline and polite by my Father. from the easy one to hard one. like, do not smell the foods in front of people, always appreciate the time, don't be late, and do not ever say "Cannot" or "I won't" when you even never try yet.
that's why until now and I guess forever, I never ever like someone who is not discipline and polite. let's say, please please appreciate the time. that's why I never late to come to somewhere. when I late, I must be really mad with myself. I also hate to wait for someone, especially when they know the actual appointment time.

ya sebenarnya saya hari ini tidak akan membahas tentang menunggu atau ditunggu sih. 
Hari ini saya menulis tentang kata MALAS.

well, actually today I will not talk about wait and to be waited.
today I will talk about "LAZY"