Monday, November 30, 2015

Love Anything

haiii, selamat hari senin.

how was your weekend?
mine had so much fun. I lay down for a full day on Saturday in my home haha. and on Sunday, I met my best best best friends after that I dated with my boyfriend. hihi.

hari ini cuma mau ngepost beberapa gambar yang sangat menarik, dan mempunya makna yang dalam.
sumber gambar: Zen Pencils
enjoyed them!

gimana?? bagus yaa.
 udah itu aja. hehe. see you on my next blog post. LOVE!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

What if you fly? ;)

so, my favorite quote is this one:

I was thinking that I couldn't do it that this those these things. 
but, then I remember I have God, so I start to believe that I can do this. 
Thanks God, now the things that I think I couldn't do, I can do it.

so, start to believe and try! Good luck and God bless!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Review: Furatasse Keratin Serum

haii girls, happy Monday!
hari ini saya akan membuat review salah satu senjata kecantikan saya, cailahhh. kalau kalian apakah ada senjata kecantikan? kalau ada apa? ayo tulis di kolom commentnya. hihi
kalau saya yaitu serum rambut salah satunya. mengapa saya butuh serum rambut? karena hampir setiap hari saya selalu memberikan "style" untuk rambut saya. ya seperti meluruskan. yap, saya hampir setiap hari selalu meluruskan rambut. ya, saya rasa saya tidak bisa hidup tanpa catokan. okay, saya merasa sedih T__T

today I'd like to review one of my beauty weapons. :p do you have your own beauty weapon? if so, please tell me on below comment box. 
for me, one of my beauty weapons is is hair serum. why do I need hair serum? because almost everyday, yes I mean everyday , I always styled my hair. like, I cannot live without hair straightener. okay, now I feel very sad with myself. T__T

kalau kalian selalu mem-styling rambut kalian apa yang akan terjadi? karena aku seringnya catokan, ya rambut aku jadinya sering rusak, kasar, terlihat kering atau bahkan bercabang dan rontok. hufht. sedihnya mau cantik. berhubung saya sudah capek banget lihat rambut saya yang menyedihkan karena sering catokan. *padahal saya sering loh pakai hair serum* :( jadi saya coba online shopping dan menemukan serum rambut yang harganya murah tapi kayaknya oke nih. awalnya sih saya takut nyobanya, secara reviewnya masih dikit banget. semoga review aku ini membantu kalian yang lagi bimbang beli ini apa gak ya. hihi.

what will happen with your hair if you always styling your hair? since I always straighten my hair, so my hair became damaged, coarse, dried, branched and fall. hufht, beauty is not cheap you  know. :p
well, I felt tired with my hair somehow, so I tried to online shopping and I found hair serum which have cheap price and it looks okay. well, as you know since this product is only limit review on the internet, so I was like worry to bought this one earlier. so, I hope this review could help you all.
serum rambut apa sih yang mau saya info kali ini? mari lihat yukk ...
are you guys curios what hair serum did I bought? lets click read more ... 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday's Favorite: ABOUT TIME

hello, happy Friday!

how are you? this is Friday, tomorrow is Saturday yeaay!! hahaha
could you survive this weekend? because, "tanggal tua" X(

today, I'd like to share my favorite movie. can you guess?
let me share the picture:

anyone can guess? yes, "ABOUT TIME"

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

National Blogger Day

haiii, apa kabar?
dipostingan kali ini cuma mau menyampaikan tentang satu hal ini :


semoga tetap rajin ngeblog-nya, gak cuma anget-anget tai ayam. *ngomong sama diri sendiri* hahaha.
thank you so much for your time yang selalu nyempatin untuk baca blog ini. hihi.


Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday's Favorite: ARIEL MERMAID

hellooooo, how are you?
it's Friday and yesss weekend will come in 15 hours. I'm happy. hihi.

every week, I always talked about my favorites. but today, I'll tell you what is my favorite from first ever when I was child and yes I still love them.

it is "Princess Ariel Mermaid" yeees, I love her so much.


Thursday, October 22, 2015

Current Activity: COOKING!

dari judulnya saja sudah keliatan yaa. hahah iya saya lagi suka memasak. gak tau kenapa. tiba-tiba aja gitu. dari senin - jumat udah kerja, jadi masaknya kalau gak sabtu ya minggu. kemarin-kemarin baru coba beberapa aja. hahaha besok mau bikin sup bakso ikan ahh sama mau bikin cemilan yang unyu-unyu gampang gitu.

kata orang, kalau mau nikah pasti udah keliatan lebih dewasa atau tiba-tiba mau belajar masak. waoww apakah saya sudah dapat pertanda itu? halah. hahah doakan saja yaa, supaya aktivitas ini tetap berjalan terus. next week belanja bulanan jadi  makin banyak di beli nih. hihi.

thank you for reading. cuma iseng aja nulisnya. hehe.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Review: Maybelline Volum' Express The Falsies Mascara

haii guys, apa kabar?
sudah dipertengahan minggu nih. dan mendekati hari gajian. hahaha senangnya saya.

hari ini saya mau mereview salah satu alat make up yang buat saya wajib punya dan wajib dipakai kemana aja. yes mascara. I love mascara. dulu saya pikir saya gak perlu maskara, karena bulu mata saya sudah lentik tapi agak tipis sih memang. iseng saya pakai maskara kaka saya, waoww bulu mata saya jadi bagus banget, semenjak itu saya jadi gak bisa lepas deh dari maskara hahaha.

nah sekarang dimulai yaa reviewnya, berikut gambar packaging dan before afternya hihi.

ini packaging awal

Friday, October 16, 2015

Happiest Girl is The Prettiest

I love this quote:
first of all, you should love yourself then you happy and you're gonna look so much pretty. 
this is why my main goal is happy, why I always wish everyone to be happy.
when you are happy, your life gonna be easier than you ever thought.


Friday's Favorite: MY SISTER'S KEEPER

Haii, good morning.

I wish you will have great Friday and weekend!
today, I'm going to tell you my another favorite book. it is "My Sister's Keeper"
do you all know that book? I read that book when I was in High School, and then 3 years later the movie showed up. but for me, the book is much better. the ending is different, the movie choose happy ending, instead the book have tragic ending.

here it is the 1st cover:


The story takes place in the fictional town of Upper Darby, Rhode Island in 2004. Anna Fitzgerald is the main role. she has older sister, Kate who suffers from a blood and bone marrow cancer. Anna was born just to be a savior sister, so she could save Kate's life.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Review: NYX Eyebrow Cake Powder

Haii semuaaa, 

ini sudah hari selasa lohh, besok libur. hihi
dipostingan kali ini aku mau review NYX eyebrow cake powder. saat pertama kali ngeliat sih agak bingung pegimana ini cara pakainya?? tapi setelah melihat tutorial sana sini, saya akhirnya mengerti. hoho.

berikut pacakagingnya dahulu ya yang saya sampaikan. FYI, packagingnya kurang menarik. no box or whatever itulah, cuma langsung barangnya aja (no cover).

here we go :
ini packagingnya dari luar. lumayan lah, langsung keliatan kalau ini untuk alis

Friday, October 9, 2015

Friday's Favorite: A WALK TO REMEMBER

Haiii selamat malam,

Tonight, I'm going to tell you my favorite movie. It is "a walk to remember"


Do you know that film? I guess you already know. That was a popular movie in the middle of 90's.
I bet you all who was born in the 80's or 90's already knew this movie.

it's a love story about the popular boy who fall in love with unpopular girl. they are met because of a guy named Landon Carter (Shane West), was totally a jerk. so their principal give a punishment to Landon, that he needs to become Janitor, a private teacher, and also join drama club in school. Landon doesn't have other choice or he will drop out.

and the next day, Landon did a good work as a Janitor, but not for became a private teacher. so, Jamie Sullivan (Mandy Moore) talked to London regarding herself who also become a private teacher.
after all, Landon will join in to drama club, he got the main role. Jamie also join in that drama as a bar singer. Landon's act was very terrible, due to he got the main role so he needs to make his acting better. at first, he learned with his friend to practice, but no one can help him. then he asked Jamie to help him. and this is my favorite part hehe. Jamie saids "okay, but you have to promise you wont fall in love with me." Landon then laugh because it was impossible thing, he also said "no problem"

and then everyday Landon come to Jamie's house to practice until the day. on the big day, Landon's acting was so good, until the scene where he and Jamie in one frame. on that scene, Jamie have to sing. Landon was surprising because Jamie looks so lovely and different, he even couldn't take his eyes off of her. after Jamie sang, Landon do some improvisation, he kissed Jamie right on the stage. the audience were shock, but they think that it was a part of drama (but not).

after showed, Landon need to explain the improvisation to Jamie, but he couldn't find Jamie. Landon always think about her, and he realize that he fall in love with Jamie. and the next day, Landon tell the truth to Jamie, and Jamie couldn't believe it. all of Landon's friends couldn't believe that Landon fall in love with Jamie, but they do realize that Jamie was really beautiful on the stage. in school, Jamie got some pranked from Landon's friends due to Landon fall in love with her. but, Landon stay besides her no matter what. and finally Jamie tell him that she also love him.

they do every beautiful things together, Landon always give anything to Jamie which can make her happy. Jamie then tell him that she have leukemia, Landon stays beside her and then marry her after such a many struggling scene, you should watch.

 my favorite quotes here it is :

love is always patient and kind.
it is never jealous.
love is never boastful or conceited.
it is never rude or selfish.
it does not take offense and is not resentful.

and this is the end of my blog today. and oh, I didn't tell you the ending, then you should watch by yourself. hehe.

thank you for reading. have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Review: Makeover Camouflage Cream Face Concealer

hi again!

apa kabar? how's your day? semangattt, sudah hari rabu nih. hihi
hari ini aku mau me-review salah satu make up yang bisa digunakan sehari-hari.
ini bagus banget, gak berat tapi tetep membantu. suka deh pokoknya.

udah kenal produk bernama makeover?
produk baru tapi dari Indonesia loh. yes local. I always love local product.
tapi ada sih produk luar yang aku juga suka. but, as long as local product is good, I'll always choose to use them.

review kali ini adalah tentang


first of all, harganya murcee cyinn, cuma Rp 125.000,- udah gitu dapat 5 warna pula. *gakmaurugi* :p

berikut penampakannya:
ini kotaknya
ini penampakannya. cantik ya? GMZ.
ini dalamnya. kuasnya cuma ada 1. kecik pula. maap sudah eike swatch.

ini kalau ditangan ya. bagus warnanya.
ini adalah concealer yang terdiri dari 5 warna untuk digunakan mengkoreksi beberapa wilayah di kulit wajah kamu yang agak bermasalah. concealer ini juga mengandungn vitamin E untuk menjaga kehalusan kulit. teksturnya lembut, creamy tapi mudah banget loh diratainnya.
dan beneran loh menyamarkan noda banget. kayak aku tuh punya mata panda :( tapi pake ini jadi gak punya lagi. hihi tertutupi maksudnya bukan ilang.
tapi puji Tuhan ya, punya mata panda gpp yang penting gak punya kerutan. hihi. :p

ini aku infoin ya kegunaan 5 warna concealernya:
1. Light Beige (krem muda) : untuk tint/highlight area mata.
2. Beige (kecoklatan) : untuk menyamarkan noda/bekas jerawat.
3. Light Green (hijau pupus) : untuk menyamarkan tone warna kulit yang kemerahan
4. Light Purple (ungu muda) : untuk memberikan efek cerah pada kulit kusam
5. Brown Orange (orange kecoklatan) : untuk efek cerah pada kulit gelap atau bisa jadi blush on. heheh

aku paling suka pakai warna krem mudanya, biar mata panda aku ilang. so far puassss sekalii. dan warna orange, purple atau greennya akan blending kok. jadi muka kamu gak akan warna warni. haha
pokoknya aku seneng pake produk ini.

+ berguna sekali untuk mata panda
+ praktis, travel friendly sekali
+ gampang diblendingnya
+ murah hehehehehe
+ gak berat untuk dipakai sehari-hari

- apa yaa?? hemm mungkin gak dijual satuan. karena punya aku pasti yang krem muda abis duluan :(

sudah yaa cukup disini dulu. pokoknya ini adalah salah satu pelengkap make up yang wajib kamu punya. 
bubyeee.. see you again soon.

PS: terima kasih ya sudah membaca review ini. semoga berguna. :D

Monday, October 5, 2015

Just My Thoughts

Hai selamat pagi!
apa kabar? how was your weekend? hope it went smooth as your wished. :)

btw, dipostingan kali ini cuma mau mengeluarkan opini aja karena agak mayes denger cewek-cewek menye-menye ke cowoknya. mereka menye-menye karena abis ngeliat pernikahan Glen dan Chelsea.

no wonder, pernikahan mereka memang bagus sekali. tapi please stop push your man to have a reception like that. know your limit ladies. know your man's limit too. kasihan loh saya melihatnya. lagian semua orang punya mimpi, I know it because I have too. tapi jangan langsung lenjeh lah  melihat nikahan orang, jangan banyak mimpi. bagus kalau kalian atau pasangan kalian kaya dan gak pelit. lah kalau biasa aja? maksa beud buat nikahan yang cuma 2-3 jam aja.
mending kalian nabung, kali-kali bisa punya nikahan kayak gitu.

sekali lagi jangan maksa cowok dengan bla bla bla kalian itu. mereka pasti mau ngelamar kalian aja ngeluarin duit yang banyak. mereka pasti nyiapin mahar. mereka pasti pun pusing buat nyiapain biaya seserahan dan pernikahan kalian. well, at least my man did and doing that now. Semangat mas!. hihi

Stop Asking, Begin to be Grateful.

semangat semuanya. God be with you always!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

hai! thank you for reading my blogpost. did you enjoyed? or do you?

This blog may new, but the viewers for one month probably around 2.000 + and it could be more.
If you need my help to review your products on my blogpost, I would be very happy.

Please take a note that I will write down my honest review 100%, so I could help everyone. and I will give a label for sponsored post as a "sponsored post".

If you are interested, you may can contact me through this:

email :
Phone : +62 877 8623 3380

It would be better if you also give some information about the product and what kind of review you may will need, and let me know if you want me to write down the review with bilingual language.

thank you so much ♥

Friday, October 2, 2015

Friday's Favorite: STAR GIRL


now every Friday, I'll tell you what is my favorite. my most favorite is book.
I love book. I love to read. usually I like to read some kind of journey book or detective book.
but now, I will share one of a kind book. it's not love story but very lovely.


do you know this book? the cover isn't outstanding. but, I was curious, why the cover so standard?
then, I read the back of this book. made me more curious. so I bought it, and I read it, and I love this book. this book is everything. until now, this is still my favorite book.
in this book you will learn love, life, kind, humble, brave, unique and everything. yes everything.
this book can make you laugh, cry and think.

here is one of quotes from this book:
"She was beautiful, but not like those girls in the magazine. 
She was beautiful for the way she thought.
She was beautiful for that sparkle in her eyes 
when she talked about something she loved.
She was beautiful, for her ability to make other people smile 
even if she was sad.
No, she wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks. 
She was beautiful, deep down to her soul."

you guys should read this book, and I bet you wont disappointed.
and I have his 2nd book, I'll show you later. ♥

 hi all,

welcome to my blog. thank you for reading this, especially this page. because it means you want to know me. *blush* :p
okay, here we go:

My Real Name : Akhila Atikanta
Atikanta is my family name for girls. and Adhisudjoyo is my Father's family name. Because I love that name "Adhisudjoyo" so I use that name for my social media, including this blog.
My Birth Date : April 26, 1992
I welcome for any birthday gift. :p
Current Location : Jakarta, Indonesia

Maybe some of you curious, why I always use "mermaid" in every tag I made. why why why? it is so simple, because I love Ariel Mermaid. that's all. hehe
When I was kid, my Dad always spoiled me with Disney and Princess things. That's why since I was a kid I know who I like the most for princess, it is Ariel Mermaid. and so until now, I wouldn't mind and I wouldn't shy with that.

Now, I work as a Secretary to Board of Directors in a big company from Japan. I love to work being secretary and Personal Assistant.

Why did I start to made this blog? well, when I don't have any job to do, then I always read or watch something and got inspired. Since I love make up and now I am preparing my wedding, so I decided to start this blog, and may be this blog could help someone's need. 
I hope you guys enjoy this blog. If you have any comment or suggestion, do not hesitate to always tell me. I would love to hear and learn from you all.

If you need my help, you can always contact me through these:
Twitter : @atikantakhila
Instagram : @atikantakhila
Facebook : Akhila Atikanta 

I will reply your message as soon as possible. Maybe faster than the Flash. :p

thank you thank you and I always thanks to you for reading this. :)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

First Post

Hai it's my first post.
standard banget sih ya judulnya dan isinya. hahaha
okelah sampai disini saja dulu first post-nya.

btw, today is H-366 days to come. I can wait and I also can't wait.
rainbow feeling.
you will know it later.

.kiss hug.